Sunday, October 31, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Dear Baby....
To Our Sweet Baby~
I can't believe that in almost 2 weeks, i will be holding you in my arms!, part of me feels even more surreal than when your brother and sisters were born.. but i think its because i know so well whats to come, i know how much i am about to love you... and how in only holding you for seconds the thought of you not being a part of our family will feel like the distant past.
even though you have givin me some rough nights,backaches, a little morning sickness, and extremly good kicks there are things i'll miss about carrying you in my tummy. from the moment we found out you were on the way we were all five so excited. (peyton was especially happy to be a BIG SISTER) she would talk about you and to you all the time, and ALWAYS reffered to you as a boy (??? does she possibly know??) she would always get really close to my tummy and tell you she loves you.. and i know you'd hear her! : ) i'll miss dreaming about what it will be like to know you and planning all the things we need for your arrival, but even though i dont mind being pregnant, obviously having you here outshine ALL of those things! and i must admit that i'm ready!!!... my mommy intuition was wrong on peyton because i thought she was a boy.. but i'm having a pretty good feeling you will be a boy! and the name we have picked out for you seems to "fit" our family. Even though we don't know yet if you are a little boy or girl, we KNOW that God knows exactly who you are and what our family needs. We are so excited for His plan!

even more than your appearance i can't wait to see your personality! everyone says how siblings can be so different, and so far i have found this true ryley and peyton are similiar in alot of ways and bailey is so different... i wonder who you will be like or if you will be different than all of them?? its all going to be so fun to see!
and even though i can't wait to meet you i think i'm even more excited for you to get to know your daddy, he's excited to get to know the personality that i feel i'm already quit aware of. trust me when i say you are going to love him deeply he is the best daddy around and will make you laugh so easily! i can't wait to watch him bond with you in the ways he has with your brother and sisters!

but more than anything i can't wait for you to meet your brother and sisters... its hard to put into words just how blessed you are to have them in your life, and they are all 3 going to teach you so many things, even though i know it wont always be easy and perfect, i can't wait to watch your friendships form, i'm so excited to be proud of the relationships that the 4 of you will share!
we can't wait to know you, and love you, we can't wait to look in your eyes and hold you in our arms! thank you for letting me experience the miracle of carrying you in my tummy... and know that you have a bunch of anxious people waiting to welcome you into this world!
I Love You,
your mommy!
love letters from mommy
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
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