We celebrated Peytons 6th Birthday this weekend, friday at school I brought cupcakes and juice for the class, she got lots of special attention that day!! then that night we let her open her present from us.. which was the new Leap Pad (that took us forever to finally get one) I opened it a couple weeks before and paid to download a bunch of extra games and music from the website so it was good to go when she opened it! she was so excited!!! (we tried to get her the purple one but these things are so hard to get a hold of, and purple is even tougher, we took what we could get) but we also found out that after the first of the year they are selling cover protectors in different colors for them so we can get a girly color for it!

Saturday we went over to our friends house to decorate Christmas cookies, then Sunday we woke up went to lunch at Mcgraths (we tried olive garden but didn’t feel like waiting 2 hours to eat) then took Peyton to the mall she picked out a couple outfits and some shoes, and she got her ears pierced!!!

She was such a big girl and tried so hard to not cry (but after a min, she lost it, (same thing happened to bailey).. but after about 5 min she was all better and so happy she did it!!
She picked peace signs : )

Then after that we went over to Grandma Donna’s and she opened her gifts from her.

She got the giant paper dolls she had been asking for for 2 months now, and a super cute charm bracelet, with lots of cute girly charms added to it

then we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Nunley’s which I forgot to bring my camera in their so no pics, but she got a cute pair of nice pink boots and some clothes (which she loves!!) we were going to try to go to the Croc center or to the movies to see the Chipmunks but it was getting late and peyton decided to stay the night at Grandma and Grandpa’s.. I think she had a pretty fun Birthday weekend!