On Monday Aug 18th it was the start of our vacation. Since we had just went to Disneyland a few months prior we decided to just have a low key week and take the kids to do local stuff, so the first thing was the beach for a few days! Ryley decided to stay home (which we were all bummed he didn’t want to go) and Grandma and Grandpa were already there with their trailer. We got to the coast around 1 pm (we ate lunch on the way up) it was a nice temp but very foggy, but the kids were still happy to play!

after playing on the beach for a good hour and a half or so we went and checked into our hotel and of course the first thing the kids wanted to do was swim!

after swimming and cleaning up it was about 5:00 so we drove over to visit with grandma and grandpa and see if they wanted to go to dinner somewhere. we headed over to Mo’s around 6:30 (thinking maybe the line would be short since it was a monday and getting late) but nope there was still a good 30 minute wait, so I snapped some pics while the others waited in line : )

finally around 7:20 or so we got seated and got to eat dinner

after dinner we headed back to the hotel, we rented a redbox movie and the kids went to bed while brandon and I got to go down and enjoy the hot tub and a swim for an hour!

the next morning we got up and went down to the lobby for breakfast and then took the kids swimming again!

after swimming and getting cleaned up we took the kids over to the put put and batting cages for awhile

peyton was the only one who got her ball into a certain little hole so she won a free round of mini golf on her next trip!

then we went to the outlets to do some school shopping, we stopped at safeway to grab a few things and went over to grandma and grandpa’s trailer for a late lunch around around 2 (brody got his pink donut with sprinkles afetr dinner : )

then around 5 we headed over to the hotel to change into beach clothes and took the kids down to play on the beach again for awhile!

after a little beach play we stopped at Dairy Queen for some ice cream before heading back to the hotel.. the kids went swimming again for awhile then the plan that evening was to leave the kids in the room around 8 (after brody went to bed) and we were going to meet grandma and grandpa at the casino for a little while… but brody wouldn't go to sleep and was being a pain in the butt, so it didn’t happen.. I ran up and got us subway for dinner around 7:30 then we just watched tv and went to bed….

the next morning we ate breakfast, took the kids swimming for a quick little swim and packed everything up….

we went and visited grandma and grandpa and brandon ended up staying with the kids while I went to the casino for a couple hours with them…

around 3:00 we were all getting hungry and grandma and grandpa were heading home so we drove over to mo’s again for some lunch and let the kids play on the beach one last time!

the weather was gorgeous on wednesday!!! (of course the day we were coming home)

and that was a wrap! TheTrueFam made our mark in the sand and had a great little beach get away!