Back towards the end of January we switched brody out of our room and into share a room with peyton and gave bailey her own room in the playroom..(it was a dream birthday surprise for bailey ha!) and big boy is adjusting to his room pretty good too : )

livign with a 4 year old boy these are the things you find on your nightstand I suppose?!…

quick trip to the mall with this boy

and I even let him pick out a treat at the candy store

another lunch date with my baby.. I let him pick..and he chose “old McDonald’s”.. blah.. I grabbed shrimp tacos afterwards : )

On Sat feb 7th we took the kids up to the home depot to do a workshop, peyton had Briana stay the night so she came also.


doing a little Valentine’s shopping

while I was making dinner one night brody came to me and said he peed a tiny bit in his underwear so I told him to go change them and put his wet underwear in the laundry room.. well he tried but missy was back there and I forgot so he came back and said mommy missy is in there and I said ok then just set them by the door (I meant the laundry room door) about 30 minutes later I walked by the front door and noticed this…. lol sweet silly boy : )

enjoying a valentine cupcake (or just the frosting I mean lol)

on my Birthday I got to go on a little lunch date wit brody and get my free pizza salad and soda at Pietro’s

then we went to baileys volleyball game at crossler

poor brody was just starting to come down with a cold and was extra whiny by 4pm

we had plans to go out to dinner but little man fell asleep on our way home so I just grabbed us applebee’s and we went home

I did get dessert that night (love its it’s) I also got a new printer/scanner.. was REALLY needing a new one!

brody likes to throw up pieces of popcorn to watch missy catch them