Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Since it was a sunny day, we thought we should probably take advantage of it and take the kids to the pumpkin patch, because you never know here in oregon if it will be nice enough to visit the pumpkin patch!

(sorry but ryley is missing , out running around with his friend brian who came with us)

peyton rode the pony too but the pictures turned out blurry and ryley didn't because he was too big

she liked riding the tractors

and absolutly LOVED feeding the animals, and for anyone who knows peyton knows she does not care for animals too much she likes to look at them but really prefers them not to be close to her, but once i showed her how to feed them she loved it, and fortunatly the animals were very soft when eating and pretty much just licked it out of our hands!

and we spent the majority of our time here at the slide, the girls had a blast going down it every which way possible

and we finally ran into ryley and brian in the corn maze, they were just running around being boys the whole time here!

being silly with a piece of corn!

then it was time for the hayride!

and last comes the good part... they were having a pie eating contest so ryley entered (without me knowing he did... )
until his name got called.......

we could tell he wasn't liking it, he was taking tiny bites ha ha!

( click on the arrow above to watch the video and turn your sound up)

he didn't win (which im glad he didn't i would not of even let him enter) and he actually had a tummy ache for awhile afterwards so we left, but felt better later, all in all we had a great trip!

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