Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy 8th Birthday Bailey

ok so bailey's birthday this year was not so exciting, because of moving we planned a party then canceled it, so instead she did get to bring cupcakes to both of her schools and celebrate, also we took her to dinner of her choice (red lobster of course), and gave her some gifts there then the following day we took her shopping, to a movie and lunch, her favorite store right now is claire's so she got a bunch of stuff from there, as well as some shoes, and other things, it wasn't probably the most memorable birthday but we did our best, she also got some money and now she is saving up to buy a i mod (which is a pink little battery scooter its so darn cute i want one!!!) so she should have enough to get that here in the next month or so!!, next year she is having a "salon" birthday party theme so that should be super fun!!! and hopefully we can make up for this year!

fun game!!
these were all different kinds of bath beads, soaps, scrubs and flakes really cute!
my little salad girls!!
singing happy birthday to her!

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