Saturday, May 15, 2010

Rockies~end of season tournament

So Saturday was a LONG day for us, first thing at 8 am ryley had to be at the ball fields to warm up for their first game at 9... then bailey had to be at her uniform fitting for cheerleading at 9:45 so i got to stay for the first 30 min of ryleys game which he was pitching so at least i got to see some of that!.. then after baileys fitting she had her tryouts at 10:15, which we have found out now she made youth level 2 she had her whole dance routine down and did every move in time and on beat!! (i'll be posting a video of her dance routine later).. anyways.. so after baileys cheerleading tryouts we headed back to the ball fields to catch the end of the game they won so we ran up to the pizza parlor for some lunch then to DQ for some ice cream then back to the ball fields for another game at 2 that game was a 3 HOUR GAME they kept tying so kept having to do another inning... they ended up losing that game which SUCKED because that meant the boys had to play AGAIN a 3rd game after that .. it was about 6 pm and the boys started their 3rd game of the day... it was aweful, the boys were tired and hurting and i think most everyone wanted to just forfeit but because it was a tournament they didn't really know if they should do that! anyways.. they lost that game as well .. but at that point nobody cared they just wanted to go home... which was about 8:30 that night... so sunday we just relaxed and did yard work all day! that was our weekend!~glad baseball is OVER!!!

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