dont let the smile fool you.. i was scared and very nervous
but with brandon next to me, and trusting God was with us... i knew we were ok!

we were shocked to find out that our precious bundle was as big as he was everyone was expecting a little baby (including my dr) he was 18 inches long and perfect in every way!!!
after i was in recovery, daddy got to go out to the waiting room to deliver the priceless news that baby Brody was here.
ryley had seen the pink and blue hat that he was in and just assumed by looking at him he was a girl (because why would they put a BOY in a hat with pink on it??!! lol) so as he walked up to the nurse holding the baby his heart was a little disappointed, but then the nurse asked him "would you like to hold your baby brother"?? and ryley told me that he felt like he was in a dream and he got the biggest smile and almost cried himself, (i really wish i could of been there for this sweet priceless moment)
and the next few days were full of family and friends and loving on our precious baby love. it truely is amazing that we all loved him so much so quickly
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