Christmas Wishes For My Kids!!!
I thought it would be fun to share, some of the things on my kids Christmas lists this year (and birthday lists for the girls since they are around the same time)
the xbox 360 was the FIRST thing on my big guys list this year.. all of his friends have been playing it so he just HAS to have one! (and it helps that brandon will love it too!!)
and the reason for the xbox 360 is this game right here!!!.. this is the game that alllllll the boys (and grown men) are playing right now, he also wants the wireless headset and the internet card so he can play with his friends online! 

a new fox hat!
and some more new jordans are a must have also!!!
Steelers logo fat head for his bedroom wall!! so cool
and of course its time for him to have a new cell phone, and this time he wants one that is easier to text with!
bailey's been wanting an ipod for a couple years now, she plays with ryleys all the time (because he dont have anything to do with it)
this game she has seen on tv numerous times and i just know she will have some fun with this!
her and peyton both actually want these Orbeez
bailey just loves playing games!
and a bead making kit was high on her wish list this year!
some new nike shox!
an electric ride on scooter (it was actually what she wanted last year for her bday, and she still wants one now!
both of these DSi games are follow ups to ones she already has and loves!!
this is the Barbie house peyton has been begging for!!
we seen this jewelry chest full of tons of wooden beads to make necklaces and bracelets at costco and she fell in love with it!
swim to me puppy, is a dog that goes in the tub and swims.. pretty cute if you ask me!
and of course HAS to have the IT thing this year a pillow pet!!!
go go my walking pup, she wanted one last year.. and its still on her list this year
our little fashionista.... we have some friends that has this for their daughters and she fell in love with it and continues to ask for it all the time!
she loves getting these fun little sticker books you can decorate the dolls in all sorts of outfits!
this fun Barbie makeup purse we seen at costco and again something she really wants!
and who doesn't love Alphie??!.. this will be a fun learning toy for my little preschooler!
we have all the other kids bop cd's so now we need this one to add to our collection... daddy just loves listening to these in the car lol
we have a jumparoo already but apparently it has quit working, soooo time for a new one, but this Precious Planet theme that fisher price has is just darling and i'm sure brody would LOVE it!
we dont have a play gym for brody and these are a must for babies to build good back,neck and other body muscles!
i know they look kind of silly but my little man loves his soothie binky wont take any other kind and since they are dorky looking binkies the little "wubbanubs" make them cuter!
i can't wait for brody to get his chubby little hands in a few months on this learning puppy.. he is so cute!!
and these trumpette baby boy socks aren't they just adorable??! since he wont be wearing real shoes for awhile, he can' at least have cool socks! : )
but for when he IS ready for shoes these nike air jordan's are a must for brody (if you ask ryley!!!! lol)
Santa better be doing some shopping cuz ive got 4 "good" kiddo's that can't wait for christmas morning!!
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