My Sweet Little Man,
I am in awe of how much i have fallen in love with you in just two short months, actually i'm in awe of how much we ALL love you, the fact that my heart has quadrupled with this much love for all four of my babies is truely another one of God's miracles... and i feel so blessed to be experiencing it!
My favorite part of your second month of life is your precious smile, you love to smile at ryley when he takes you into his room and lays you on his bed and talks to you, it melts my heart to see you two together, you also love to smile at daddy and mommy's hair, its so funny to see you stare really hard at it then smile so big.. and i know you just can't wait until you get to pull it!
just as much as i love your smile, i'm IN LOVE with your dimples, i kiss em at least 100 times a day and i'm sure they will have me saying "yes" more times than i should : )
BUT.. lets be honest.. in between those smiles you are a bit of a fussy pants. if your awake you want to be held, and you want to be held the way YOU want to be held,.... up and moving....Stinker. you dont give mommy much of a break, and your 10 lb body doesn't seem like much, but it does get tiring.. i try not to complain, i love to hold you most of the time.. BUT playing on your playmat or your bouncer for more than 5 minutes surely wouldn't kill you : )
you have become a pretty consistent sleeper this month at night, you usually sleep for awhile in our arms before your last feeding and then sleep for about 4 to 4 1/2 hours and then 3 more. during the day you nap whenever you want and alot of times fall asleep in your swing.
your also a very good eater, during the day you nurse about every 3 hours, which i'm sure here in the next month that may stretch even longer.
due to the good eating you are now a little over 10 lbs and can wear 3 months clothes, and i dont care what "they" say... boys clothes are fun!
we love how alert you are now, you love to look at the kids playing and watch them, with your big eyes.. speaking of eyes it's looking like they "might" not be brown.. but we'll see. i'd love for you to have blue eyes since your brother and sisters all have brown, but either way i know they will be beautiful.
you are still a tummy baby, and dont have much interest laying on your back.
you do an "ok" job in the car, sometimes you fall asleep, which is nice because your carseat is NOT your favorite place. if you have your wubanub (binky) things are better!
overall things are going pretty good with you in our world, your big sister peyton is obsessed with you, daddy and i are getting good (again) at doing everything with one hand, and getting up in the night just isn't that bad. we obviously can't imagine you not being a part of our family now and we are loving every minute with you! here's hoping that the next month brings us even more joy, lots of laughter, less fussiness.. and sleeping thru the night!! : )

I love you Mr Man,
your Mommy xoxoxo
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