Friday, February 11, 2011


My Sweet Chubber Bubs,
This might be my favorite baby age...and i'm loving every single moment of being your mommy! This month you have come alive, and are so much fun!!, We found out that you have Reflux and put you on medicine and within 24 hours we seen a whole other side of you!!, we are so greatful that we have figured out what was wrong, mommy knew there was just something not "right", when you cried you screamed and was not a very happy baby most of the time. since then we get to see you smile all the time now!, to see your big smiles, your dimples,your sparkly eyes, your chubby cheeks, and to hear your baby sounds melts my heart! you are beautiful, and you are all mine! there isn't a day that goes by that i dont thank God for all 5 (including daddy) of my Blessings!!!
Your sleep schedule hasn't changed much from last month, you still go to bed about 7:30 wake up about 1-2 for a quick "snack" (i say snack because you usually only make it thru one side eating and your too sleepy to finish) then you go back to sleep untill about 5:30 which daddy usually gets up with you and feeds you a bottle since he has to get ready for work about that time, then you go back to sleep until 7 or so.. hopefully soon we can skip that 5:30 feeding and just eat once in the night!
as far as eating goes you normally go 3 hours during the day, and your at that cute stage where you have to stop eating to look up at me and smile, its so sweet and how can i not smile back??!! (especially at night when i'm so tired and a little annoyed when i'm nursing you and you give me that smile i forget all about "ME" and feel bad for even feeling annoyed??!!)
we usually give you 2-3 bottles (of breast milk) a day the rest of the time your nursing really well still! and as much as i love feeding you its nice to get breaks here and there! i'm glad you will take both!

you also will lay down on the floor or on your play mat for a little bit now, you like to smile at the lights above it. you also love to look at your glow worm and will smile at it almost every time we show it to you!

Thankfully the fussy baby in you is getting "less" fussy. you still often H.A.T.E your carseat. sometimes you'll scream the entire time your in it, to the point of tears and a completely sweaty body. I feel that by now you’d have realized that you have to stay buckled in, but I guess I’m expecting too much from your little 3 month old self. …
You also have discovered how much you love your hands. Those little fingers must taste so yummy because they are constantly being sucked on. which makes you drool like crazy!!! we often have to keep bibs on you during the day so you dont soak your clothes.

Mercy.. i love you sweet Brody. Thank You for bringing so much joy to our lives. i can't wait to see what the next month holds!

Kisses and Hugs,
Your Mommy

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