Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Dear Sweet Brody,

My goodness how did we ever live our lives without you? it is amazing how much joy and laughter you have brought to our family with your already darling personality. Surely you’re not just four months old. But, even though we feel like we’ve loved you for years, the calendar tells us differently. It’s hard to believe that you came into our family just four short months ago.

And, in your fourth month, you have become such a character. getting sweeter and full of life. You laugh  now and are loving to ‘talk’ to us. You definitely are not stingy with your smiles and make everyone feel so good by giving them the biggest grins!

We are so thankful that you finally are sleeping thru the night now. You are still in our room, but we moved you to your crib (which was harder to get used to for me than it was for you lol) you either wake up once to eat or sleep through the night. Typically you are ready for bed about 8 …and are up around 6. Thankfully the horrible sleepless nights didn’t last that long!

You are finally loving to play at times and it gives Mommy time to get stuff done when you’re in your bouncy, on your play mat, or bumbo seat!   You often squeal with happiness and we love to watch your eyes light up when you look at us. They truly sparkle.

your still not on a schedule for your naps, you normally take one good 2 hour one in the morning in your swing, but the afternoon is still unreliable and you often take a few mini power naps (hopefully that will change soon to one good afternoon nap)
You LOVE bath time. You kick and smile and would stay in there for hours! you love to watch your brother and sisters (especially peyton because she can just be so silly) you also really enjoy watching Spongebob lol.

all in all we feel so Blessed to have you in our little True fam, and I know that I will never take yours or your brother and sisters precious, happy, healthy life's for granted!

Love you Mr Man XOXOXO


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