Wednesday, August 15, 2012



Sweet Baby Boy,
How in the world are you only 3 months from being 2? Where did my baby go? You are more fun than ever and doing so much that I never want to forget...

Here are 21 things that you CAN do:

1. You melt our doubt about it! From the way you smile at us, love to be with us, and the way you say “Luh ew” (love you) It's all too good!

2. You are learning your and lolo (yellow) are the most popular ones right now, but we're working on the others everyday! You get so proud when I praise you for getting one right. You're so smart!

3. You know how to make a mess...and FAST! the playroom can be spotless one minute and an absolute disaster the next...but...

4. You are learning to help clean up! if we ask you to pick something up you love to hear us sing the clean up song to you.. You also love to put your dirty clothes in the laundry hamper.


5. You know what you want...if we try to offer you something and its not what you want you let it be known.

6. You have started asking for kisses a lot lately! you climb up to our laps and pucker up smacking its so sweet!!!

7. You have started saying "peeeese!" sometimes… It's precious and you are learning it truly is the magic word!

8. You love to color and request to do it often. But, you like to sit in your high chair to do so. I love that we're filling up lots of coloring books with your artwork already!


9. You have gotten a lot better at obeying! ..rarely do we have to ask you twice to "come to mommy" or to "stop!" and when we say “good boy” you love to say “gooo boh”

10. You now call missy by her name and not always puppy.. you say “mimi” cute!

11. You love to make us laugh and love it when we do things to make you laugh. You think it is so funny when someone chases you!

12. You are so in tune with the world around you! You hear the garbage truck when it is outside, puppy’s barking from far away, tractors across the street mowing, you love to watch and learn things


13. You love to climb, although I will say you are very cautious of things, if it looks to hard for you, you will ask for help, but most of the climbing around in the house you can do with ease!

14. You have an opinion about what to wear...especially in pajamas, you love the ones with puppy’s or choo choo’s, or “eh-mo” on them!

15. You're learning to sing songs. Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, You are my Sunshine are your favorites!

16. You have been a good eater lately and will let us know when your hungry or thirsty!


17. You still love TV this month you have started watching Blue’s Clues and really like it, you are even trying to answer and repeat what they say… I LOVE it!

18. You can hit a golf ball with your plastic clubs, throw a basket ball, and kick a soccer ball, your gross motor skills are getting so good!

19. You melt my heart with your little looks, you can give some of the funniest faces, so serious in some pictures..cracks us up!

20. You can say a lot more words the past month.. you still don’t want to repeat things all the time, but sometimes you will now!

21. You love to say "momma" and "dada" the most! You say our names ALL of the time!

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