Tuesday, January 12, 2016

BRODY: 5 YEARS OLD (and almost 1/2)

My sweet Brody Jay, So…here it is…your 5 year old letter AND my sentemental attempt to capture you before you start ‘Big Boy School!” in less than 6 months!!! I know there will be tears and a little bit of heartbreak for this momma if we do choose to send you to full day Kndergarten next year. But, for the next 6 months I’m going to cherish you being my sweet pre-schooler.
You are full of energy and full of life! you enjoy playing lego’s, ninja’s, imaginext, riding your bike or scooter, playing games on your ipad, or wii u games with daddy (or anyone else who will play with you) you are constantly wanting to DO something. Resting is NOT your thing, you can stay up pretty late at night (around 10) and you havn’t taken naps since you were 2, you just dont require a lot of sleep I guess.
Sleep the past year for you has been great! no more night terrors and you rarely ever wake up once you fall asleep! You wake up ready to talk and go to bed talking,, you always have so much to say. Surely you will get good grades in writing when your older because your so good at details! But, as soon as I think you’re getting sooooo big, when I pay attention to your little lisp with some words, it brings me back to reality! : )
You’re silly! you love to make us laugh. You love to dance silly and make goofy faces, especially for the camera! you have a great sense of humor!
you are also compassionate and sensitive, if someone is upset you like to be right there hugging them, and if we even get stern with you, you cry. you DON’T like to get in trouble, your pretty obedient for us (and always for other adults) you are still somewhat high maintenance and a tad demanding.. were working on patience with you.. but its a tough one!
You love to learn. You ask alot of questions, your retention is awesome and your memory is like your momma! Its crazy how you remember things from so long ago and details that were so tiny!
You love to watch PJ Mask’s (its your favorite show) there arent too many shows you really enjoy at the moment, but you like going to the movies, so about once a month we do! Your favorite places to go out to eat are Sonic, McD’s, Applebee’s, and Roadhouse. You are still super picky with food, but will try new things sometimes. You love to cuddle up with me in a blanket. We havn’t taken your training wheels off of your bike yet, but will here in the next few months, I’m sure you will do just fine! You’re eyes truly sparkle. You have no modesty. You let me style your hair and are a dream getting your haircuts each month and always have been!. You always think you need dessert after every meal. you love to sing. you dont love to color or draw. You are affecionate. You’re beautiful. And, your still such a perfect little part of our family! You are so very loved Brody Jay and I am so thankful that I get the amazing privilege of being your mommy!!!
I love you times infinity!!!

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