Thursday, October 11, 2012



My Sweet Little Love,
How would I even know where to begin to tell you how much I adore you!? I have loved you from the moment you were placed in my arms, but the love I feel now has been magnified 1,000 times since that day almost 2 years ago. You are precious, you are sweet, you are a stinker, and you are our little man!!! What a blessing! What an honor!.. Its hard to believe next month you will be 2 years old and I wont be taking this silly sticker pictures anymore, I will still write letters but it wont be as often, I hope one day you will appreciate them as much as I have loved writing them.


This month you have been just as stubborn as ever, difficult at times but oh so very sweet too!, you are really starting to talk a lot more, which we love to hear you say all kinds of words, your new words are, “mitty” (missy), “no mine” (not our fave thing to hear), “go side” (go outside), go nigh nigh, owie (for everything).. there are many more and you try to repeat most things we ask now which is great! and you still jibber jabber a lot too! : )


you are still NOT a good eater I say this every month but I don’t know how you survive on what little you eat?!…you refuse veggies, your picky with some fruits, you like most bread foods, only some meat. I really hope you become a better eater in the future, your brother and sisters were and are not this difficult when it comes to food…


your sleep habits are crazy also, for about 3 weeks you were waking up every night sometimes up to 4-5 times crying again (ever since your last ear infection) but you would fall back asleep easily, but sure enough after another hour or two you would wake up crying again, and you were waking up anywhere from 4-5 am every morning, but then be tired by 9-10 am again, such a crazy schedule?!.. but thankfully the past week and a half you have been doing much better only waking up once maybe if that and sleeping until about 7-7:30.


well little guy, I can’t wait to see what this next month has in store, how many more words you will learn and new things you can do, and most importantly we will get to celebrate your 2nd BIRTHDAY!!!!


Your Momma

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