Oh My Brody Jay True,
Where do I begin? How do I describe your sweet personality and how much I love you in a letter? It’s going to be hard…but, I’m sure going to try!
If I had to describe you in a word, I think it would be “mess!” You are SUCH a mess on SO many levels! You give us such a run for our money and make us laugh in the same breath! You test our patience and melt our hearts in the same moment. You make us want to pull our hair out and want to kiss you all over at the exact same time. I don’t know how it’s possible. People always stop to comment on your adorableness! You’re a charmer, for sure!
I’d say your most proud title is “little brother!” You ADORE your big brother and big sisters so much and want to do what they are doing most of the time. Recently, you’ve started grabbing their hands and leading them to what it is you want whether its playing with a toy or you need something like a drink. I pray that you all will always be close…and trust that you will be
You’re still a tiny guy and Sadly, you’re not the greatest eater when it comes to meals, but you love, Love, LOVE to snack! Your favorite snacks are still “shishie ca ca’s” (gold fish crackers), Honey kix and any type of crackers. You also LOVE your sweets and would eat a sucker or candy all day long. Unfortunately you don’t love water…but, you’ll drink it. You prefer to have it mixed with juice…and the tiny bit I put appeases you. You do love milk which I am happy about! Embarrassingly enough, you LOVE soda You’ll fuss until I cave and give you a drink. See!?!…MESS!
Thankfully, you’re finally a pretty good sleeper. Most days you wake up happy between 7 and 8. You’ll usually always bang on the wall for us to come get you when you wake up.. such a toot!! You still take a great 2 to 3 hour nap on most days too! but lately the nap is getting later in the afternoon, you usually wont fall asleep any earlier than about 2 pm
As far as entertainment, your FAVORITE thing (BY A MILE) is playing with cars and trains. You’ll sit down and connect the trains or roll the cars and trucks all over things you will play with people or all by yourself. Second toplaying with cars and trains is coloring! You LOVE it…either on your magnadoodle or on paper…you love your coloring books and your Color Wonder paper and markers. Since Ryley didn't (and still doesn’t) love to color that much, it’s fun for me to watch a little boy sit and color, your sisters loved it too and still do, guess ryley was too busy playing with balls at this age! Like I already said, you LOVE to do what your brother and sister is doing and are also too brave for your own good! You tumble and jump on EVERYTHING and pretend that every bed, couch or chair is a trampoline. You have no fear when it comes to climbing. You enjoy watching shows for a little while but not for long periods of time unless your really tired. Your shows of choice are Elmo (Sesame Street), Mickey Mouse and Yo Gabba Gabba. You also LOVE the Toy Story Movies and you still like your Praise Baby DVD!
You are STRONG willed…and I have NO idea where you get that!!? (wink. wink.) you are so determined to do things the way you want them done!! If you want to be held, you HAVE to be held, and if you want a “nack,” you won’t let up until you get it. I must admit that it makes this Momma VERY tired…but, I pray that God will use it for good!
You are SO polite…you almost always say “take ew” (thank you) without being reminded. What a love
You are starting to finally have a vocabulary…Here are some things that we often hear…
“momma nigh nigh!”
“it tucky!” (stuck)
“Mo” (more)
“mo nacky” (more snack)
“Hode!” (Hold )
“ju-ju” (juice)
“pay choo choo." (play with choo choo’s)
“uh oh”
and you are daily saying more and more..
Oh, I adore you. You LOVE to dance. You love it when I “pew-y” when I smell your stinky feet. You can turn on the tears at the drop of a hat. You love to help me clean! You are fast. You adore missy. Your favorite color is boo (blue) (or so you say) You have the MOST contagious laugh. Your dimples on your cheeks melts me. You ADORE your Daddy! You don’t mind having your nails clipped. You already have opinions about your clothes. You love to “snuggle!” You can stick your bottom lip our further than should be possible. You enjoy going to your Sunday school class . And, did I mention that I adore you! : )
Brody Jay True, I can’t believe its been 2 years since we were blessed with your sweet self, on one hand these 2 years have flown by and on the other they have been long and challenging but I can’t imagine our family without you in it. It’s no doubt that you make it more difficult…but you make it lots more fun too! I pray for you every single day and am so thankful that God chose YOU to be my sweet last born little love. Thank you for so obviously loving your Momma and for making me so thankful to be a Mommy! I love you…
Hugs and LOTS of Kisses,
Your Momma
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