Thursday, April 12, 2012



Brody Jay,

You are precious! You are priceless! You are more and more fun everyday! Thank you for giving your Daddy and I another reason to realize how very blessed we are! I am truly hanging on to every moment...every word...every first that you experience! Here are Seventeen things about you, that melt my heart!
I love you so very much,

Your Mommy

1. You are such a little snuggler, you love to get your baby and run to me to sit in my lap and you will just lay your precious little head on me and snuggle.. I love it so, and when your tired you will just lay on your “baby” (blanky) wherever you are!

2. Pushing the buttons in the grocery store/any store check out line is one of your favorite things to do. As soon as we put our items on the counter, you see the buttons and say “Go” After the transaction has been made and pin numbers have been entered, I always let you push...and you're so proud. I think you feel that you are the one that did it!

3. Your getting better at mimicking words that we try to get you to say, you don’t always choose repeat them, but sometimes you will try and its so cute to watch you form words out of your sweet little lips!


4. You are really starting to like your binky ( “B” is what you call it), not that this is a good thing, but you are such a little stinker that its going to be hard taking away, maybe more on us than you?!..

5. You will sit in the playroom and find a toy and play with it by yourself, it is so sweet to watch you interact and play with your toys when you don’t know I’m watching, and I usually think its so cute that I have to come over and kiss you, It's a sweet moment that always makes me stop what I'm doing to enjoy you!

6.  My all time favorite thing you say is “Momma” and you absolutely know that I love it. You'll run through the house saying it with a smile on your face! I will hear that precious sound in my heart and mind for always!


7. This month you have really started loving the phone, everything is a phone right now, its so funny to watch you bring it to your ear and jibber jabber!

8. You are actually getting to be a better eater this month THANK GOODNESS, last month you were hardly eating anything except nutri grain bars and fruit, but you are now liking rice, peas, chicken, beans, tortilla’s and cheese (which these were all things last month you wouldn’t eat)

9. You really enjoy balls and playing catch right now, I think its almost time to get you your first bat and T, you love to play with and throw any kind of ball, it makes your daddy and big brother swell with pride!


10. You still are quite the dancer, you love to spin around with yo gabba gabba and dance to all kinds of music,while you say “dan, dan”… you are also really loving Elmo, and I’m so excited to take you to the Sesame Street Live concert in a few weeks!

11. Your not very good about holding our hands when walking around places, you will do it for just a few minutes then you want to be Mr. independent!.. so we usually will have to put you in your stroller or carry you when were out and about.

12. You LOVE being outside, it is your FAVORITE place to be, if we say ousie, you will run and sit down by the door so we can put your shoes on, momma is gonna be getting a good tan this summer with how much I have a feeling I’ll be out there!

13. You are still a little toot to Missy, you love to tease her and thankfully you can roll and sit all over her, she just lets you have your way.. you’re a mess! : )


14.  You have become a climber this month, not as bad as Peyton (she was a huge climber starting at 10 months old) but your getting close, if we leave a chair at the table pushed out, you immediately run over and climb on it and get up to stand on the table, you also can climb onto the couches and onto the backs of them… scares me, but you just laugh!… toot!

15. You also help yourself to “nacks” now in the pantry… you take boxes of cereal, crackers, marshmallows, pretty much anything you like and help yourself and usually make a huge mess in the process!

16. You started swimming lessons this month and you are enjoying them, the water is a bit chilly for you, but you are havign fun, throwing and swimming to the little tiny beach balls is your favorite part, and last night at your lesson you asked for the ball almost thru the whole class, it was so funny the other parents kept commenting that you were defiantly such a boy!… you wont blow bubbles in the water, you try to drink it every.single.time, no matter what we try to do to teach you, you still drink it everytime!

17. When its time for bed we give you your bottle and you get the biggest most precious smile (you love your bottles so) It's crazy to me that your daddy and I are truly your world! You love us unconditionally! I know that these precious moments will quickly slip away so I'm soaking in each one! We Love you little man!


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