Thursday, May 16, 2013


Warning: The following post is VERY long and documents what our little big 2 1/2 year old is doing right now.

My Sweet Little Love,
How would I even know where to begin to tell you how much I adore you!? I have loved you from the moment you were placed in my arms, but the love I feel now has been magnified 1,000 times since that day 2 1/2 years ago. You are precious, you are sweet, you are a stinker, and you are our little man!!! What a blessing! What an honor!






Overall, you have such a precious little heart! You are pretty good about sharing with your brother and sisters and mommy and daddy, but were still working on sharing with friends, you don’t like it when you hear others that are upset, you always will ask me “what happen mommy” and your heart SWELLS with conviction when you feel that you’ve done something wrong, you pout your little lip out and cry. You’re so quick to say “please” and “thank you,” and you often say “I sawee” (sorry) when you have no reason to apologize. Even though you have your “two year old moments/days,” we are so blessed to have such a sweet little guy.




You love to go outside and play, and to go bye bye, but after were gone awhile you often will say “I go home momma”.. guess you might be a homebody just like your big brother. I think maybe you miss your toys?!.. The train table is still a HUGE hit and you also love to play with cars, trucks, puzzles or the most random thing that becomes fun for hours! (at this very moment, a broken light up necklace is SO much fun!) I love to sit back and watch you play. I love to hear you talk things through and to see your imagination at work. It amazes me how much you know and how hilarious you are! watching you drive and talk to your Cars melts me.



Even though you do well playing alone, you do love it when we play with you. You absolutely thrive on our “fun days” that I have been doing with you trying to teach you new things! You still enjoy being read to and will often bring me books to read to you. You also love to play with your friends. Be it at church, daycare kids or just little kids at the park, I can tell that you enjoy the time that you spend with them. and you LOVE to observe and watch other kids play!





You, as all toddlers do, LOVE your shows! I think you’d watch them all day if I’d let you. Right now you LOVE Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Word World and Little Einstein's. You also occasionally watch Special Agent Oso, Blue’s Clue’s, the backyardigans, and Doc McStuffins . Of course you still enjoy Thomas and the movies Cars, Toy Story 2 and Bugs Life are your favorites that get some show time almost everyday. My immediate reaction is to panic that you’re watching too much TV, but you love it and it TRULY is teaching you so much! Because of the reinforcement from Little Einstein's and Super Why, I am confidant that you are learning your letters and numbers!




We still get mixed reviews on who you look like. One day I’ll hear that you look just like me, and the next day someone will say how you’re the spitting image of your daddy! I feel that it must mean that you’re a good mix of both of us! I still don’t see you in myself except for the brown eyes. There are a lot of moments that I see your daddy in you… . All I know is that you’re cute, so when people say that you look like me, I take it as a huge compliment! Your big sparkly eyes and sweet dimply smile melt my heart, And, your thick light brown hair is to die for! You’re beautiful, little man!



when it comes to sleeping you are MUCH better than before but still hardest from the other 3 kids, you normally are in bed around 9 (unless you didn’t nap that day then your out by 7) and wake up by 7 each morning. you still occasionally wake up in the night and whine but the binky usually fixes that!.. we are going to transition you to a twin bed here in the next 2 months. you REALLY need naps but normally wont take them until about 2 pm (sometimes later) and will usually nap for 2 hours. but you are starting to fight the naps (which I am not ready for you to quit those yet) That’s when I’m able to get some things done around the house, start dinner, and sometimes even read and relax. You still take a binky when you sleep, but we are going to start only giving it to you at bedtime starting next month, I’m thinking we could probably get rid of it with a good bribe! Maybe soon!?


I can’t admit that you’re the best eater. You are really picky and still eat NO veggies!!! You will sometimes try new things, but most of the time it immediately gets spit out! Your favorite things to eat are pizza, french fries, chips, crackers, fruit snacks, strawberries, popcorn, yogurt, cereal, peanut butter, cheese, rice, waffles and pancakes and ANY type of dessert or candy! You LOVE soda and will never drink your drink if you see that I have a soda because you want my drink instead!. Other than those times, you drink water, milk and juice.


Potty training is going to be the death of me!!! I DO NOT enjoy it at all! Maybe that means that you’re not really ready, or maybe it means that I’m just not good at it! because I hated it with your brother and sisters too and they weren't fully potty trained until a little after 3. If I stay on you ALL of the time, you’ll go sit on it! But, the second I forget to ask (ever 5 seconds), you’ll have an accident in your pull up! We’ll get it!!! In time! and with you being the last I’m not in a rush, diapers are easy and convenient :)


I love how you are a little more independent. You’re starting to enjoy doing things by yourself…going and laying in bed, getting in the car, climbing on chairs, etc. You also love to help…cleaning with a rag and “spray,” putting away toys, bringing things to the kitchen, hanging clothes, etc. It’s nice that I can ask you to go do something and you can do it! You’ll be a huge help one day!


You are a chatter box! I mean a NON-STOP chatter box!!! It’s so funny that you could talk constantly and still have things to say. Sometimes it’s talking to someone, but lots of times it’s just talking when you play! the man of little words definitely came out of his shell with talking. And you seem to understand most of what I say and can converse back very easily. It’s fun to have a little friend to go shopping with, eat with, and play with at home.


Just the other day we looked back at some video’s from around your 2nd birthday and I just couldn’t believe it. Even though that was only 6 months ago, you have changed SO much! You’re not a baby anymore! You’re my BIG boy…and I love you…so very much! Thank you for giving all of us so many reasons to play, laugh and love life! Thank you for reminding us of how much Jesus loves us…the fact that He loves us more than we love you just seems impossible! Thank you for keeping us on our toes, for giving us countless hugs and kisses. You’re more than we could have ever dreamed…and I feel so very blessed to be your Mommy! 

Happy 2 1/2 years Little Man!!!
XOXO, Your Mommy

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