Monday, July 15, 2013


On June 27th Brandon turned the BIG 3-7!!! since it was on a Thursday and during VBS week and several other things going on that week we decided to wait until Sat to celebrate and have some fun! (we did have a yummy bbq and blizzards on daddy’s bday that evening) but on sat morning we slept in until 9 am!!! then we got around and headed to Red Robin for lunch!


{sort of odd daddy is the birthday boy and not even pictured?! but I tried and he insisted me in the pics this time so whatev….}



then after a yummy lunch outside we went across the street to the theatre to see Monster University! SO cute!! JUST as good as the first in our opinion!



brody looks really tired here?!.. must have been the flash, because he was having a ball and loved the movie!!!


after the movie we went out to a family reunion bbq pot luck and got to see some family!



then we stopped for icecream on our way home! it was a fun filled family day and, I’m so thankful that Brandon always chooses to celebrate his birthday by doing something special with the kids! Seriously, we LOVE him…our fun-loving, compassionate, crazy, supportive, funny Daddy! I am so thankful that he wakes up every day ready to do it all over again!

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