Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Is thirty-six old?

I can’t really decide! its closer to 40…but not by very much. It still puts me in a category of “young adult”…which, does that make it old or young? Once again, I’m really not sure. But, I can tell you that Thirty-six is looking to be pretty great. And tiring. And fun. And busy. On February 12th I woke up to Thirty-six at 6:15 this morning to the sound of, “Mommy, I wet!” (he had leaked through his diaper) Bless him. Bless me. And, HELLO THIRTY-SIX!

In my world…
Thirty-six is being a Momma to a 15, 12, 8 and 3 year old.  

Thirty-six is being married for 12 1/2 years and loving that he’s still my favorite person on the planet to be with.

Thirty-six is lots of grocery shopping, transporting, wiping hineys…and picking up toys.

Thirty-six is unashamedly loving my suburban…and caring about landscaping/flowers…and wanting a newer, fancier washer and dryer!

Thirty-six is more Facebooking, Instagramming, Texting and Phone Calling to catch up with friends than it is Girl’s Nights Out and long, leisurely lunches

Thirty-six is spending about an hour each day in the car transporting kids to and from school and doing homework and making lunches and washing dirty clothes.

Thirty-six is being used to paying for things like my home, utilities, insurance, car payments etc.… (Even though I still feel like I’m too young to have responsibilities like that!) : )

Thirty-six is eighteen years since high school!!! MERCY!!!

Thirty-six is knowing the value of a good cup of coffee…a long bubble bath…a forever friend.

Thirty-six is wearing more leggings, yoga pants and flats…and less skinny jeans and high heals.

Thirty-six is prayerful…because I need it to survive and my kids need to see Grace!

Thirty-six is trusting in my Jesus more than ever…and realizing how thankful I am for the people in my life!

Thirty-six is here! And, I’m thankful for everything it is…and everything it’s going to be!

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tonight we went to dinner at outback..

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and I got a new lens for my camera!

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I get to celebrate again on friday (valentines day!)

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