My sweet little mommas boy,
You are such a mommas boy. The title makes me happy and breaks my heart at the same time. I love how much you love me but hate that you're sad when we're apart. your daddy tries so hard to make you happy but you still most of the time are a fuss pants with him, and if you are around people you don’t know you only want mommy! yesterday when I took you to get your pictures taken you just cried until I picked you up (little toot) I really don’t know what to do to help you with this?. I mean I can’t ignore you and not take care of you, so I guess we will just have to get thru this. I’m hoping putting you in the nursery at church in the fall will help, even though I know it is going to be very hard on us both : (

this month sadly you have pretty much weaned yourself from nursing, you will only do it if you are really tired I guess you just don’t have time for that anymore, so I’m thinking here in the next week or so mommy will just give it up : ( but your loving your baby food, oatmeal cereal and banana’s are your favorites, and you love to eat bites of what were eating but they have to be mushy and soft because you STILL don’t have ANY teeth?!?.. I’m starting to think they may never come in?!. and we’ll see if you will ever like green veggies.. I’m just waiting for you to turn orange ha ha! but our favorite thing to do is watch you eat puffs. You are doing such a good job at picking them up and most of them make it to your mouth. You stay entertained as long as we keep 'em coming!

sleeping has been much better the past month, you are now going to bed about 8 and only waking up once in the night then ready to get up again about 6 am.. you like to play and eat breakfast, take a bath then go back down about 9 for a couple hours. you also take an afternoon nap but those are still a little inconsistent .. were working on those! and you are also sleeping most of the time in your crib! yay!!!

you went to the dr and had to get shots which you seen a different dr this time and she wanted to do some blood work to see if anything came back abnormal as to why you are so small, I really was not too worried because your sister was a really small baby also, and you are just so perfect in our eyes, but was pleased to hear the results came back that everything is normal, so hopefully now they will leave you alone and just accept that you’re a small guy : )
you went on your first camping trip this month and you did really good, we weren’t sure how it would go taking a 8 month old camping in a trailer for 4 days but you love being outside so it was just perfect!
You are a precious handful! And, despite your desperate need for Mommy MOST of the time, I love you more than words could ever express. You crack us up…you cuddle…you adore your brother and sisters…you play…you love to watch people…and you bring us so much JOY! We love you and are going to soak up every moment of the sweet baby that you are…because you’re getting too big, too fast!!!
Your Mommy!
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