listen to Christmas music from Thanksgiving until Christmas day
send Christmas cards to friends and family
get taken back to my childhood when I hear Rockin around the Christmas tree
get my kids new Christmas jammies each year
love to watch Christmas movies with the family go Christmas light looking every single year with my kids
add a little bit to our Christmas decor each year…and now adding nutcrackers for brody each year to his collection
get excited to check the mail in December
wish it would snow every Christmas
wonder how people don’t love Christmas as much as we do
stress over how long it’s gong to take me to TAKE DOWN our Christmas décor and tree stuff
drink Peppermint Mocha creamer straight from the container
still feel like a kid during this time of year
have to remind myself of the TRUE meaning of Christmas…the most important part! JESUS!!
wish the kids would sleep in past 4am Christmas morning… : )
have a traditional Christmas Eve dinner
leave the sentimental ornaments off of the tree (the kids first ornaments, or the ones they make)
pass an offer for a peppermint mocha YUM!
doubted Santa until FIFTH GRADE! Bless my heart.
want to stop giving stocking stuffers. It’s my favorite part.
dread wrapping gifts! I love it.
want it to be over as quickly as it is!
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