Friday, November 11, 2011

1 on 11/11/11

On November 11th, 2011, we got the special privilege of celebrating our baby love’s VERY first birthday!
And, in true birthday form, Daddy and I woke up early and went in the room with the video camera and balloon in hand…singing Happy Birthday. We had about 20 sweet moments with our baby before the other kids woke up. It was a great start to a fun day…
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about 30 minutes after we were awake, we got to see our sweet boy’s face on the news!
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click the arrow to watch the little segment
then it was time to start some breakfast… which I made birthday pancakes with sprinkles, and chocolate whip cream, raspberries and some strawberries!
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Brody pigged!!!
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peyton brought brody his little toy birthday cake, which is adorable by the way, it sings birthday songs, and lights up, and you get to touch the candle to tell it how old you are, and you even get to really “blow” the candles out.. (a sensor that is built in to the toy can tell when you blow) and after you blow the candles out it says “yay” and claps which brody loves to clap and say yay!!!

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After a good morning, and brody’s morning nap we headed up to Wilsonville to lunch and to get brody’s first haircut.. but it was a mess on the freeway due to a wreck so we sat in the car for 2 hours.. which the kids were really hungry by this time.. and we were needing gas.. so we finally were able to pull off in canby to fill up our tummies and the gas tank! then the traffic was a little better, so we headed to Whipper Snippers, then had to wait another 30 min there before they could get him in…

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then it was time to begin…. he sat in his little airplane seat, the lady popped in Elmo on the tv and he was good to go.

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then he got to see himself in the mirror and loved it! this boy loves looking at himself!.. and how could you blame him? he’s pretty darn cute!

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And the finished product was pretty darn cute too! Just a little trimmed up and looking handsome!

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{and just for fun check out my other sweet boy’s first haircut! where did that baby go??!}


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