Here are 14 things I want to remember from Brody’s fourteenth month...
1. My little man is super snugly! He'll stop playing to dive into me and hug and will walk over to us randomly and reach up meaning he wants to snuggle, he loves his blankie , and will drag it around with him especially when he is tired and run to me to sit in my lap.
2. B-man is running EVERYWHERE! We're lucky we haven't had any nasty falls! We're hoping to keep that up!
3. Brody is a climber...he loves to hike up his leg and try to get up on chairs, toys, the fireplace, whatever he can climb on.
4. He don’t have a very big vocabulary yet, he can say momma, dadda, puppy, ry ry, “ju” (for juice) hi, bye, but he sure does jibber jabber a lot!! and he finally got 2 more teeth about a week ago so he now has 8 teeth!!
5. Hats have become very fascinating to Brody this month. He is very interested when people are wearing them . He has started letting us put hats on his head and will leave them there for a while. He does like to take them off and try to put them back on. now were just trying to get him to say “hat”
6. Thomas the train is Brody’s latest obsession! he got a Thomas train in his stocking from Santa and he loves that little thing to pieces!
7. Loves to get into things, toilet paper, remote controls, cupboards, puppy food, anything he’s not supposed to get into he enjoys!
8. He also love to close doors and get himself stuck in rooms and closets
9. Brody is not a very good eater, he loves grilled cheese, quesadillas, chicken tenders, noodles and fruit.. that’s pretty much it, if we feed you something off of our plate you will usually eat whatever it is but if we give it to you, you spit it out, and we can’t get you to eat hardly any veggies still.. stinker!
10. Brody LOVES to give kisses now!! he gives em to you nice, big and wet! cutie!
11. He STILL wakes up thru-out the night, I seriously don’t think it will ever end!… once in awhile he will sleep thru but most of the time he wakes up from 1-3 times a night, usually we just find his binky and give it to him but sometimes we have to make him a 2 ounce bottle which he is still on Good Start Formula also, because he is still a tiny little thing and not a great eater, so he has 3-4, 2 ounce bottles a day
12. He still takes 2 naps a day normally, we would like to get rid of the morning nap, but with him waking up sometimes at night, and up so early (sometimes like 5 am) he just can’t make it until 1 (after we take peyton to kinder) so he usually has to lay down for a morning nap around 9 am and sleeps from and hour to two, then lays down again around 1 or 2 and sleeps for about an hour and a half
13. He wants nothing to do with getting dressed, changing his diaper, being told no.. tantrums are in full effect now!
14. We have a little ham on our hands! he thinks he is sooo funny running around with things in his mouth, or being naked, or putting bubbles from the bath on his mouth, and loves to give head bonks.. he finds this extremely funny he loves to make us laugh!
Happy 14 Month Birthday little man, oh how we love your feisty personality, contagious smile with those sweet little dimples, those sweet kisses and ….. even head bonks! : )

P.S. these photo’s I took myself in my dining room with my new camera, I’m hoping to take all of his monthly pics the next year by myself!