Sunday, January 29, 2012


he fusses and SHE tries to fix it.
SHE plays with her toys and he jabbers and joins in.
he’s hungry and SHE gives him bites of his food or snacks.
SHE plays and he wants to be RIGHT in the middle of it.
he goes to the puppy bowl and SHE tells him “NO, NO!!!”
SHE laughs and he laughs right back.
SHE goes fast and he tries so hard to keep up.
he falls and SHE makes it better.
SHE loves to give him kisses and he gets irritated.
he dances in the car and SHE thinks it’s hilarious.
SHE get’s in the crib and playpen and he becomes overjoyed.

In a nutshell, they are already the most precious little playmates and
watching them brings me more joy than you can imagine!






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