Sunday, November 30, 2014



My Sweet Love,

You are four! and FOUR sounds too big! when I tell you to stop growing up so fast you laugh and don’t seem to mind telling me that you ARE going to get bigger! And, for that I’m thankful…and heartbroken at the same time.

I think that if I could freeze you in time, this would be the age I would choose. You are independent enough but still need me all of the time. Hearing you say “Mommy” still makes my heart skip a beat…especially when its proceeded with “I Ruv you!” And, watching you live and love life is a true and unexplainable joy. You are a priceless gift and I still seem to have a hard time believing that you’re mine.


So… in honor of YOU… my TOO BIG four year old…here are some of my senses of you Brody Jay

When I SEE you, I see such a stunning little boy. your pale skin and big brown eyes are beautiful. you are so small but yet you have meat on your bones, you are not skinny by any means, but just very small (and short) You have a gorgeous smile with pretty little teeth and such thick light brown hair! (that you obviously got from your daddy) and you like me styling it now a days!  we love to watch you as you play.. and are amazed at how well you use your imagination and how long you are content to stay indoors and play with all of your toys. You especially love all of your super hero things and the imaginext sets. But, you’ll sometimes still play with Cars and your trains.

Because of you, there are SMELLS that will forever remind me of your childhood. when I smell Baby Magic body wash, I can be transported back to your baby days… (even though we still use it for you sometimes) When I smell peanut butter or apple juice… or playdough I will always remember what you were like as a four year old.  I love to smell your hair and for some reason your breathe never stinks?!.. One day I know you'll be a stinky boy… but not yet!

and speaking of smells, your precious joyfulness always allows you to stop and smell the roses. Literally and figuratively. You're rarely in a hurry … and your always soaking in the details and the beauty of our world. You're amazed by watching Ants  and other things that most people would just walk past. it makes me stop and notice things too… and for that, I’m so grateful!

You’re not a very good eater STILL…by far your favorite TASTES are sweets! You live for desserts and candy and fruit snacks and peanut butter. But thankfully you don’t eat very much of any of it, you are a tiny eater and a couple bites of something is enough for you. You will eat most any kind of bread item such as muffins, cereal bars, cereal, etc.. you love rice, tortillas, bacon, yogurt, chicken nuggets and fish sticks! you like some french-fries and tater tots but not all, you like apples, oranges, grapes and sometimes strawberries but that’s about it for fruit and NO veggies whatso ever.. you gag and plug your nose just looking at them.

As you’ve turned four, you’ve gotten a little more of a taste for adventure. you LOVE Sunday school and enjoy playing with other kids, your starting to climb and jump on things at the playground you never would before, your still fairly cautious, but we can see your “boy” side more and more!

Your sweet hands constantly are TOUCHING something, usually you have something in your hands.. a toy, a snack, a sippy cup, something! This year you are learning to write your name, were still working on it but you enjoy trying! were trying to get you ready for preschool next fall!

But, surely, more than any sense, I love that I get to HEAR your precious voice every day! Don’t get me wrong, your constant chatting and sometimes whining WEARS ME OUT, but I am so thankful that you always have something to say. listening to you play is hilarious and the conversations that we have are just so grown up sometimes! you ask such good questions and lately a lot about Jesus, which I’m so happy you know his name! On top of your words, I love to hear you sing it melts my heart! we love to sing and dance together in the car.. and I cant help but watch you in the rear view mirror.

and your laugh… its precious and so very contagious. It doesn't take much to make you giggle!.. but daddy gets the big belly laughs from you! music to my ears!

and here are some of your four year old habits…

Bad habits: (some are our fault… but, they're still bad) throwing ALL your toys all over the place, you make big messes (but you are pretty good about cleaning them up when we tell you), Always wanting to look at the toys when were at the store, chocolate milk before bed, using the ipad too much (however you have learned a lot of good from it too) not trying foods

Good habits: good manners, playing by yourself, telling us you love us ALL the time, telling the truth, sharing with your friends, holding our hands and staying with us in stores or places

I could write for days and never truly sum up who you are and all of the amazing things you say and do. you truly are the sweetest little guy. you bring so much joy to our lives. Daily I look at you and my heart swells with love for you …and your brother and sisters of course! and I am constantly thankful that God has blessed us with your presence. Thank you for everything that you are. I cant wait to watch you as a big four year old! I love you baby love



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