Are you ready for picture overload? with having an iphone the past year I take a lot with my phone however I’m realizing these pics are not near as nice to have as my camera pics so one of my new years goals for 2015 will be to use my camera more and phone camera less… anyways.. back to Halloween.. Brody got to get dressed up twice that day! Once that morning in his Batman costume from last year and that evening in his fireman costume for visiting the grandparents, the Church Carnival and trick or treating! And, even though my Love/Hate feeling towards Halloween will probably never change, the moments of capturing their innocence in their costumes…and watching them excitedly Trick or Treat is pretty priceless. I can honestly say that I’m glad it’s over (my kids DO NOT like any of the scary stuff)…and that I can’t wait to do it all over again next year! If that makes sense!?
Halloween was crazy hair day at school so peyton had some craziness going on.. and she wanted to show off her chalk painted pumpkin.
Brody and I met up with cassi and th elittle ones for breakfast at ihop that morning, brody got to make his own silly face pancake
he was pretty proud and actually ate a good chunk of it!
then brody and I went to the mall to find grandpa’s birthday present, and of course batman had to ride the rides
after running several more errands we stopped at McDonalds for brody to eat some lunch (good thing I was still full from breakfast because I cant eat mcd’s blah..)
after peyton got home from school I got her and brody ready and we headed out to meet daddy over at grandma and grandpa’s for dinner and so them and grandma donna could see them and we could wish grandpa a happy birthday!
I ordered this bumble bee costume for bailey about 4 years ago and paid a pretty penny for it so I saved it and peyton was excited to wear it! Perfect!
around 6:15 we got to the church, the kids played games for awhile ..
then we went over to the meadows to trick or treat!
Bordy thought it was so cool that there were firetrucks there like last year and that he was dressed like a fireman!
we came home around 8:45 the kids went through all their loot and got to each eat a couple pieces
{bailey went home with a friend that day from school to spend the night with and went trick or treating with some girls in the same neighborhood we went but we never did see her, they dressed up as nerds and got a TON of candy! }
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