Wednesday, February 15, 2012


15 months1

Here are 15 things about my sweet love at Fifteen months old

1. This month Brody continues to RUN...and he don't stop! He goes, goes, goes! It's so cute to watch him move so quickly! It has become quite a challenge when we're out running errands. If I put him down for a second, there's no telling where he'll be in the next second. I'm definitely getting my workout and Brody thinks it's greatness! : )

2. I love hearing our little man talk away! This month he learned some new words and just 'jibber jabbers' all of the time. It's hilarious to hear him talk and talk and talk like he really has something important to say! he now says, Bee (for binky) and Baby (his blanky) His little mouth is so precious when he says them!

3. We have quite the little water boy on our hands! he loves to splash in the bath and play in water. we hope he always enjoys the water.

4. he’s still having some really "good" fits! he throws a pretty good tantrum when you take away something that he really thinks he needs or when we come in from outside. He has also gotten good at saying "no." We're trying to replace it with "yes," but I don't know if it's working! :)

5. This month he is getting picky and pickier with food, hopefully this changes because he mostly just loves to snack

6. This month we took him to the Kroc center to play in the water, he LOVED the water but really didn’t do much, mostly just watched the other kids playing, were signing him up for parent/tot swim lessons next month!

7. Brody loves playing cars still, and will sit down in the kitchen and just push his little cars around the floor.. its so cute.. and oh so boy!

8. Since Brody is such a big boy, I have been letting him try to color lately with crayons…. he loves it but mostly he likes to put them in his mouth, They're non-toxic, right? lol

9. Brody is very observant. and loves to watch people and kids, he will try to imitate what they do..(not always good), he also loves to watch tv

10. Here are a list of things that Brody is not a fan of at 15 months of age: getting his nose wiped, getting things taken away from him that he "needs", veggies, coming inside from being outside, getting a diaper change, wearing shoes.

11. Brody is quite the little dancer. When music comes on, he immediately starts bouncing or bobbing his head. He usually has a fairly serious look on his face! We'll often see him dancing and then realize that there's music playing. He's got some good ears!

12. When we're at home, Brody plays much better now that he’s getting older. He loves his playroom full of toys and his basket of toys in the living room. He plays well by himself and let's me get things done for awhile now. But, I have to admit that I love stopping and picking him up and giving him lots of kisses at times, he’s just so sweet!

13. I think Brody is going to be a musician of some sort. He loves to hear us sing and beams when he recognizes the songs. music will stop him from crying and easily distracts him!

14. Brody was teething this month and got his first set of molars (bottom) in and it was a horrible week, with crying, sleeplessness, pain, and many tears, he would wake up 6 or more times at night screaming, we finally started giving him teething tablets that seemed to help him sleep (along with the tylenol and orajel as needed also) so glad we made it thru that round of teething.

15. I love that Brody loves me reading to him. he will sit in my lap and cuddle with me whenever I want to read to him, his favorite book is “On the Night you were born” (which is his special book we got him for his half Birthday at 6 months old) such a sweet book






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