Monday, June 11, 2012


Monday, June 11th was the girls last day of school!!.. they were so excited and ready for summer break!!, that morning they woke up to sunshine, got up and got dressed, we had yummy donuts for breakfast, I packed bailey’s lunch and took them both to school, peyton had to go in the morning today because they wanted all the kindergarteners (morning and afternoon) together to be able to attend the school assembly and participate in field day…(I wasn’t able to go unless I wanted to “volunteer” which meant I would have had to drop brody off with grandma, and also wouldn't of really gotten to spend the time with peyton, I would have had to “work”.. so I decided while she was at school to go home and let brody take his morning nap, so when I picked her back up at noon we could go to Bridgeport for lunch and to pick up the yummy cookie cake I had ordered for the graduation the next day!
the cute little goodies peyton (and mommy) made for her classmates!
I found the idea on pinterest and thought they were so perfect seeing how they are the Gubser Gators!!
again another Pinterest find.. these are the little drink cups we made for peyton’s 3 teachers! (bailey didn’t want to do much for her teacher he’s a guy and she wasn’t sure what to do, so she gave him a giant candy bar (kit-kat his fave kind) and a card!
brody and I hung out on the porch and had our snack and he napped while we were waiting for sissy to get out of school : )
Even though it was Peyton’s last day with Mrs. Nowlin as his teacher, she will never be forgotten! We are so thankful for such a great Kindergarten teacher for our shy little quiet girl, she has helped her open up (just a bit) at school, and she learned so much this past year!.. I also bought this book for peyton’s teachers to sign every year thru elementary school (and beyond if I’m able to get them too lol) then for her senior graduation I will give it to her as a gift! : )
she was so excited when I picked her up, she said she had so much fun at field day, so we headed to sweet tomatoes for some lunch!
this guy wouldn’t eat much as usual : /
and of course we had to have an ice-cream sundae for dessert!
then we drove over to Bridgport, I let the kids play on the playground for a bit… and we went in to Mrs Fields to pick up our yummy cookie cake!
by the time we got home around 3.. daddy was home so he took brody and peyton on a walk up to the school to pick up bailey while I stayed home and got the house ready for our welcome summer party!! : )
the girls were surprised to see what was waiting for them!
running thru the streamer!!
they were beyond excited to see their new summer goodies.. most of it all was from dollar tree and probably wont last too long but it gives them some things to do for awhile, crayons, coloring books, jump ropes, work books, window markers, etc.….
then it was time to go back outside for the silly string fight!
bailey’s was kind of a dud, so she didn’t get to spray much ha!
and they all had fun writing on the windows.. even little man!!

We are so excited for 3 months off, and I have this summer off just like last summer so no kiddos’ for me.. I get to enjoy all summer with my babies, sleeping in, and doing whatever we want! : )   So Happy Summer everyone!!

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