Friday, June 29, 2012

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” Oprah Winfrey

For daddy’s Birthday (June 27th) the girls and went shopping that day for a few fun gifts and when we got home we decorate the house up a bit… when he got home from work we were ready to go to dinner at the new Buffalo Wild Wings…. sadly right after we got there peyton was having some issues going to the bathroom..(she had done this a week or so before for one afternoon also, but since it went away I never called the dr) so as soon as we sat down at our table she lost it and started crying.. I took her to the bathroom and then went outside to call the dr to see if we could get her in asap, luckily they could in 20 min so my mom, and the rest of the family stayed at the restaurant, while peyton and I ran up to the dr’s office, they took some urine tests and sent them off to the lab and in the meantime gave us a prescription to put her on for a urinary tract infection… poor girl…. so the birthday ended up not being so great, we were really worried about peyton and had her sleep with us that night, we decided to wait and have our cupcakes the next night!






(waiting in the Dr’s office)


the following evening we got to celebrate and have our cupcakes!





wish it would have been a better birthday, but things happen, daddy got some new clothes, flip flops, and a giftcard for some more clothes,and a new leaf blower.. we love you daddy and hopefully next year will be better! : )

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