Thursday, June 7, 2012


I feel that I need a disclaimer for how much I blog, so here goes!!!.... I am a little obsessive about documenting every memory! I've been this way for as long as I can remember. When I was about 10 years old I remember making myself a little memory book with things I wrote at school and pictures, I journaled about vacations we took, letters I wrote to family members.. funny thing is I still have it!! as I got older I loved diaries, and journals and always took TONS of pictures, then in high school I had a planner that I documented everything in from what I wore to what I did that day, then when I met ryley’s dad I documented everything we did for the 5 years we were together.. it really was a bit insane ha! (and I still have them ALL I can give to ryley one day) then I got pregnant with ryley and of course it didn’t stop I have some scrapbooks, hundreds of pictures , his first year calendar, and his baby book! and now I have all of these for my other 3 kids plus this blog and now project life! I know that it's ridiculous, but I can't help myself. I had a friend once tell me that I had the most well documented life of anyone that she knew! ... I think that it's true!!!... Anyway, back to the blog...I am totally doing this because of the awesome blog books that I can make each year. I've gotten really fast at blogging (so don't worry, it's not taking too much time away from my sweet family!) and it's such a great way for me to document all of my memories. When i started my blog, a few years ago, i just wanted a way to document our life to remember. I now have 3 years of memories...recorded!!!. (plus about 9 scrapbooks from previous years) now, i can't tell you how my kids will react when they read these memories one day, but i hope they'll appreciate the effort i put into keeping our memories alive. I have visions of our family sitting around at the holidays, 30 years down the road, reading our blog books, laughing at the hilarious and sweet moments I've captured! that's what will make this work i put into the blog, all worth it. Those stinky little munchkins, are worth it.  so get on out there...start a blog, write in a journal, scrapbook...whatever you can do to keep your memories alive, it doesn't have to be a daily thing, but anytime you don't want to forget something...write it down, one way or another. because believe me, you will forget it!
So, if the obsessive blogging irritates you, please feel free to skim the pictures and move on! :) And, know that it's just me...and I don't think it will ever change! ...

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