Friday, June 1, 2012

needing a little help

Do you have a little helper around your house? I do. His name is Brody. He is Eighteen months old and he *thinks* he can help his momma with everything. It seems he is always by my side. And if he is not by my side, he is sitting on my feet, climbing up my pant leg, or wiping slobber or his messy hands on the shoulder of my clean shirt. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I often long for a little time to myself or even just an hour of quiet.(because I’m only human you know). But over the past 18 months I have learned a lot about cherishing the everyday moments. don’t get me wrong I enjoyed my other 3 kids just as much, but with him being our last I really want to soak in every last minute of his babyness.  There are amazing moments like when I first heard the words ma-ma again…this time coming out of Brody’s mouth. There are difficult moments like when my little guy decides that standing up in his crib and screaming is more fun than taking naps. And there are moments that can be exhausting, like when my helper comes along and whatever I am trying to do takes twice as long. But, these are the moments I love. The everyday moments! I thought I’d let you peek into some of our everyday moments to see some of the ways my little guy is so helpful…
He helps me wake up in the morning–sometimes a little earlier than I had planned. But, I would rather wake up to this sweet face peeking through the slats of his crib over the annoying beeping of an alarm clock any day.
He helps me do the dishes. Brody is amazed by our dishwasher. I just have to be careful not to wash his toys along with the dishes!
He loves to help me throw things away, anything from straws, boxes, shoes to beaters from the mixer ; )… downside is he loves to dig everything back out of the garbage just as much.
He helps me feel like an amazing cook. (even though I didn’t prepare his food in this pic) he always will say mmmmm, mmmmmm as he is eating his food!
He helps me put away his clothes. Sometimes I end up refolding the clothes three times. Sometimes we end up with a bigger mess than we started with. But we have fun doing something together : )
He helps me keep his daddy and big brother entertained in the evenings. they are all such good buddies!
He helps me in the yard. Brody LOVES to be outside. And he loves to run around and pick up and point at anything he can find. he wants to “help” me water the flowers every time!! He is all boy.
He helps me get ready. No long, relaxing showers or baths for this momma. My little guy is usually at my feet as I scramble to find ways to keep him busy while I do try to get half way ready.
He helps keep me company in the car. I love peeking over my shoulder and seeing his eyes and happy smile. He is a great traveling buddy.
He helps me do the grocery shopping. I'm pretty sure he likes it more than I do. And usually by the time we make it back to the front of the store, he has managed to eat my grocery list and sample several “nacks”. Nice.
He’s also my lunch buddy on fridays, since I don’t work fridays we usually run our errands and almost always go to lunch.. he’s a pretty cheap date : )
And last but not least he helps bring me to my knees. Being a mom is one of the most challenging yet amazing jobs I have ever had.  Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with my responsibility as a mom. It is a job that no matter how good my intentions, or how hard I try, I can't do on my own. I will get tired. I will get frustrated. I will mess up. I need the help of my Heavenly Father. And I need it everyday!!

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