Tuesday, April 15, 2014


{***First of all, let me preface by saying that these Disney posts are OVERWHELMING! The pictures..the info…WOW! SO MUCH info to share…and so many memories to document that I don’t want to forget. Sooooo….bear with me…you may see them here and there for quite some time!
Hope you enjoy!}

After dreaming, planning, talking, reading travel books, watching EVERY Disney movie ever made, reading blogs on Disney, counting down, booking reservations, planning some more and packing, we finally made it to the day we could write “0” days until Disneyland on our countdown! To say we were excited is a COMPLETE understatement! On the morning of April 4th we woke up at 6 am, and started packing the cooler and food items that hadn't been packed yet, took quick showers, woke the kids up, stopped at Starbucks, and headed south! we were on the road by 8 am! we knew this was going to be a long day of just driving to Sacramento/elk grove Ca, but it was 1 day closer to Disneyland!!!

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we made 3 stops on the first day, the kids were happy to just stretch their legs and run around for a bit each time!

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brody was such a good boy! he did ask a couple times if we could go home… sweet boy!

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he finally fell asleep around 4 pm..

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we were hoping to be to Sac by 6 but didn’t end up getting there until almost 7, but we checked into our hotel and went straight up the road to In-n-out burger! YUMMY!!!

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then we went to pinkberry for dessert! it was really good premium frozen yogurt, I’m not even a huge ice-cream fan but it was good and creamy!

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then back to the hotel for a quick dip in the hot tub

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the pool was cold! don’t let that smile fool you! ha!

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around the pool and hot tub there were snails everywhere!!! I had never seen so many in my life!!! it was crazy I kept accidentally stepping on them I would hear a crunch crunch, but it was dark out and we couldn't see them..ewww it was weird!

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then we went back to our room and got ready for bed.. it was going to be another long car ride tomorrow to get to Anaheim, but we knew we were finally going to be in Disneyland and couldn’t wait!

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I set my phone as our alarm through the whole trip!

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