Wednesday, April 30, 2014


On Wednesday April 9th we got up early and got ready to attend our character breakfast at Paradise Pier, Surf’s Up with mickey and friends! I was so excited…and couldn't wait to meet “surfer” Mickey! and  brody and peyton couldn’t wait to meet Stitch! the older 2 stayed back at the hotel and slept in. (first I put that fun little pillow above ryley’s head and snapped this pic on our way out ha!)

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when we first got there we checked in and waited until our name was called (maybe 15 min) then we got to have our pic taken with mickey mouse and get his autograph!

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then we were able to make our plates (it was buffet style)

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peyton of course took LOTS of watermelon, bacon mickey waffles, hashbrowns and a chocolate chip muffin

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brody got strawberries, mickey waffles, and mickey pancake, yogurt and bacon!

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then some of the characters started coming out first it was daisy!

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brody was mad about something, he wanted to use a knife but brandon wouldn’t let him so he was crying…

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Daisy was trying to cheer him up, but he wasn't even looking at her

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my omelet was delish!!

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she came back after about 10 min and he was all better!

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then they called all the kids to come up and dance with the characters.. so cute! and brody was LOVING it!

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then Minnie came to our table!

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she was too sweet!

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then back out for more dancing….

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stitch was teasing peyton, he knocked off her minnie ears and acted like he didn't do it : )

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brody liked his mickey waffle

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then stitch came over to our table! oh boy were these 2 happy! we love us some stitch!

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then back to dancing

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after stuffing ourselves full, we went back to the hotel to get ry and bailey, grabbed them some food and went over to California adventure! we spotted Jake from jake and the neverland pirates!

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brody thinks jake is so cool!


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waiting to watch turtle talk with crush….

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as soon as the show started crush came out, and he seen brody and asked him his name… brody whispered his name super quiet it was pretty funny… (there was another brody sitting just a few seats down from us who was a few years older so his name was said a lot through out the show)

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after watching crush, we found Donald so we got his autograph and pictures..

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again I wonder if they are smiling underneath those mask’s, surely they know how happy they make kids?!




this was seriously the HOTEST day i think it was around 94 so we tried to do a few things “inside”

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then we watched the 45 minute Aladdin show.. SO GOOD!!!!

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we had to leave about 5 minutes early 1. because we had fast passes for Grizzly River Run and 2. there were so many people watching the show it would of taken us forever to get out, oh it felt SOOOO GOOD to get wet!!!!, brandon had already rode it once with the kids so this was my turn.. but I got a rider switch pass. so as soon as I got off brandon went back on with the kids! so the kids were soaked after 2 rounds.. but we all felt a lot better!!!

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eatign a fruit and veggie pouch while waiting.. don’t worry that’s not sweat on his head he got to get wet too! : )

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and he loved it!!!

then we went over to the wharf and ryley and bailey both got a Ghirardelli ice cream cone, and I got a yummy  San Francisco Shrimp Louis Salad in a breadbowl (those olives were yummy!)


peyton got a turkey sandwich with carrots and apples

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after walking around for awhile we headed back to the hotel to swim, we stopped and got some food (late lunch) for ryley, bailey and brandon

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we walked around the court yeard at the hotel, its so pretty at the Disneyland hotel and so clean and nice!

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just a few minutes after 5 we headed out to the pool for a swim!

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brody and peyton always had to take turns over who got to push the buttons in the elevator!

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brody spent most of his time at the kiddie water slides.. he LOVED them!

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the pool felt SO GOOD!!!! (I actually got in and swam too, just got out to take some pics a couple times!) ryley stayed back in the hotel this time.

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after cleaning up and resting for a bit after swimming shortly after 7 we headed back to the park but peyton wanted to stop and get some more pixie dust for the evening : )

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my sweet little baby just had to ride california screamin!! I was soooo nervous I couldn't even watch (I know bad) I had to walk away and go do something else, I just wanted to cry lol  But she did great and loved it!


then after that they rode tower of terror but the stupid camera wasn't working so we didn’t get to get that picture : (

earlier in the day we had grabbed fast passes for radiator springs racers again, and they were for 8:20 so we were excited to ride it at night! I rode it first and got a rider switch pass so the kids got to ride it again with brandon after I got off!


(I screamed a couple times, but the lady next to ryley was the big screamer in this video ha!)


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by about 8:30 brody passed out for the night! (he had ate some dinner before we left the hotel)

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we all ate at Flo’s V8 Café for dinner! the food was so yummy! probably one of my favorite places we ate while there! ryley got the beef and beans plate the rest of us had turkey and pasta plates.. so good!!!

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then we used our fast passes and it was time to watch the World of Color show.. oh my word amazing!!! so beautiful!

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I was sad brody was asleep through all of it… but it started at 9:45.. way past his bedtime! : (

after the show we called it a night and headed back to the hotel… love these pics of my sweet young man being silly and having fun! : )

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we were all starting to get a bit sad tomorrow was going to be our last full day in the parks, but our feet were so tired all we wanted to do that night was lay down!

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